Monday, February 16, 2009

Final Shophouse

Layout's been changed so you can view previous entries....

Guess I shall talk a bit more about my Shophouse...hope it's not too late.

(After checking BlackBoard)'s not...1 more day....hurhur~My artist...Fernando Botero.

Currently in his early hundreds he is around his late 80s.

He is a painter and he doesn't do sculptures anymore...pretty understandable...I did sculpturing in secondary school was a real pain in the butt...but this is not about I shall go back to Botero.
An example of one of his painting....

First thing that really grabbed my attention about his works is that....the human figures are all very F A T !

Now I just looks like I am discriminating fat people...but I am not...

Well...exaggerated is a better word unless he was painting a bunch of Americans who have MacDonalds as their staple diet.

Next thing was the organic shapes that they have...their roundness.

And than was the mocking of logic...The bird...actually the concept of mockery of logic is mainly because of this bird...because this bird having such a big body will probably not be able to fly anymore...and that bird is obviously not a flightless bird.

You can actually see that sculpture by the Singapore River....I have seen others during my secondary school days....pretty interesting.

My shophouse Interior.....

So for my shophouse...the 3 concepts were implemented...and the video shall do all the talking...

Well the video isn't technically speaking but you get it....

Thursday, February 5, 2009

My creation on Monday...

It's 5 to 6 paper glued together

It's a bus-stop...well...according to me it you it could be an Art Museum or a Shopping Center....whatever you could even be just papers....Oooooo~~~

How it works as a bus-stop?...Go ask SMRT how a bus stop works...that's how this will work.
It's really just random sticking here and there...if there's a area that can be glued's glued together....and most has to look 3-Dimensional.
Ready For Submission....Not Ready For Critique.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Lots of things to do within the next few weeks.....

Had consultation with Elaine a few days back and idea was rejected because no link to the mood box at all whatsoever....

Went home and tried to think...really really think....was sitting at my "workplace" thinking of how to translate it into the shophouse.....had a designer block....that was terrible.

So tried to do something but was really pathetic.....

Consulted Kelly on Wednesday....because he was the lecturer I went to for the past few weeks for consultation so he should be able to help me think of ideas...and he did.

My shophouse....half done....or 1/3.....

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Misplaced my Camera's memory card so I am only able to upload pictures I took with my phone... fret not about the quality because it's a good camera phone... not going to go into details about the phone because that would be free advertisement for the phone.

So I did my redo my moodbox twice.... which means I have a total of three to hand up and the last one I did was good enough not be remade.....

Anyway below are pictures of my progression towards creating the shophouse which I am facing problems.

My "Workplace"... the Sofa....along with a PSP for me to play when I get really really stress and have the sudden urge to start procrastinating.... a penknife and scissor for me to cut the pieces of materials... and my wrist in the not so distant future if I were to be asked to make a bigger shophouse.

Interior of my Moodbox.... First Level.

Since I am concentrating on organic shapes a.k.a circular shapes....I decided it'd be quite nice to make a circular riser rather than a boring rectangular one. The floor is a little reflective as I thought it looks nicer and also a bit of personal touch.... since I am designing it... might as well infuse what I like in as well.... and I like reflective things...
First Level testing....

Did a human figure as I wanted to make sure the sizes are proper.Not so sure if I want to implement a bridge into the design because it takes up quite a lot of space.