Sunday, January 11, 2009


Misplaced my Camera's memory card so I am only able to upload pictures I took with my phone... fret not about the quality because it's a good camera phone... not going to go into details about the phone because that would be free advertisement for the phone.

So I did my redo my moodbox twice.... which means I have a total of three to hand up and the last one I did was good enough not be remade.....

Anyway below are pictures of my progression towards creating the shophouse which I am facing problems.

My "Workplace"... the Sofa....along with a PSP for me to play when I get really really stress and have the sudden urge to start procrastinating.... a penknife and scissor for me to cut the pieces of materials... and my wrist in the not so distant future if I were to be asked to make a bigger shophouse.

Interior of my Moodbox.... First Level.

Since I am concentrating on organic shapes a.k.a circular shapes....I decided it'd be quite nice to make a circular riser rather than a boring rectangular one. The floor is a little reflective as I thought it looks nicer and also a bit of personal touch.... since I am designing it... might as well infuse what I like in as well.... and I like reflective things...
First Level testing....

Did a human figure as I wanted to make sure the sizes are proper.Not so sure if I want to implement a bridge into the design because it takes up quite a lot of space.

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